A healthy, attractive smile makes a great first impression and adds a youthful glow to a person’s appearance. If you are unhappy with your smile, porcelain veneers at Hilsea Dental can help. Veneers are thin layers of porcelain that are bonded to the front surfaces of teeth to conceal discoloration and chips, and fill noticeable gaps between teeth. With nearly 20 years of collective experience, our team has the know-how and confidence to suggest the best treatment to enhance the look of your smile. We invite you to learn more about how your smile could benefit from the placement of porcelain veneers by Epic Dental today.

Porcelain Veneers: The Placement Procedure

Utilizing our world-class laboratory, our prosthodontists are able to custom design and manufacture porcelain veneers that meet the highest standards of quality with minimal turn-around time. After removing a small amount of enamel from the surface of your teeth to accommodate for the width of the veneers, an impression will be made, from which we will design and fabricate your restorations.

Patients are given a temporary set of veneers to wear until they can be replaced with the permanent veneers. The veneers are attached to your teeth using a strong dental cement. Recognized for their superior look and feel, the porcelain veneers crafted at our practice use only the finest materials available on the market, e.max glass-ceramic or feldspathic porcelain.

Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

The aesthetic benefits of porcelain veneers are many. Your improved smile will appear whiter, brighter, straighter, and more uniform and symmetrical, and may even take years off your face. If you are considering porcelain veneers, we urge you to view our smile gallery of real patients to better understand how the treatment can alter your appearance.

Are You a Candidate for Porcelain Veneers?

A consultation with one of our highly trained specialists will help to determine whether porcelain veneers are a suitable option to address your concerns. Ideal candidates should have generally good oral health and strong teeth with minimal restorative work.

If you currently have a substantial amount of restorations or decayed teeth in need of restoration crowns may be a better treatment option. Veneers offer a more conservative restoration option than dental crowns, and one of our dedicated, friendly specialists can help you decide which is best for you. Depending on your needs, a single tooth or multiple teeth can benefit from porcelain veneers.

Porcelain Veneers versus Dental Bonding

Porcelain veneers are the cornerstone of the most transformative and dramatic smile makeovers. This is largely because the porcelain used in veneers is the most natural looking of all dental materials, sharing light-reflecting properties with tooth enamel. Like enamel, porcelain is translucent, meaning that it allows some light to pass through its surface rather than simply reflecting it. Porcelain is also incredibly durable and highly resistant to staining.

The composite resin material used in dental bonding, on the other hand, is not translucent, nor is it as durable or natural looking as porcelain. Still, dental bonding is capable of producing beautiful results, and may be the ideal treatment for patients who are not yet ready to commit to the permanent alteration of the teeth required by porcelain veneers. Dental bonding is also a less expensive option that is an excellent choice for patients who desire immediate results.

Our flawless, natural-looking porcelain veneers have enhanced the self-esteem of a countless number of our patients. We would like to help you explore the reality of restoring your youthful, healthy looking smile. Book a consultation today to discuss your porcelain veneers by emailing or calling u..


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