Dental Implants

What is a dental Implant?

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root made of titanium which replaces the missing tooth.

The dentist inserts the implant into the the jaw bone where the titanium then integrates with the bone.

Just like your tooth root did before, the implant then builds a stable foundation for the crown, which will become the visible part of your new tooth. Dental implants are nothing new. They have been used to permanently replace teeth since the mid 60s.

Dental implants have many advantages compared to traditional crown and bridge solutions.

dental implants

Difference between dental implant and natural tooth

6 Reasons Why you should consider implants instead of other solutions?

Missing teeth can severely influence your daily life. It can affect your general health, your appearance and self-esteem.
Dental implants are widely considered to be the most successful method of tooth replacement used today, because they give a number of benefits to patients:

1. They look, feel and function like your natural teeth

2. Healthy teeth do not need to be ground down to support the dental implants

3. Anchoring dental implants in the jawbone stimulates bone tissue and gums, ensuring an attractive, aesthetic result while helping to maintain facial structures

4. They eliminate the discomfort and insecurity of loose, ill-fitting dentures

5. You have a secure, permanent tooth replacement

dental implants

What are the parts of a dental implant: Implant, Abutment and Crown?

Implant is A small titanium screw is inserted into your jawbone. Titanium is a metal accepted by the body and heals together with the bone tissue to form a new, stable tooth root.

An abutment is a ceramic or titanium component that ensures a secure fit between the dental implant and the crown.

Crown: Once the dental implant and the abutment are in place, we will fit the crown, the bridge or the denture to be supported with the abutments.

What does treatment look like?

A- First

We need to carry out a consultation and assess the situation very carefully to decide if you meet the prerequisites for dental implant treatment. It is essential that your gums and bone are free from diseases. If necessary, these conditions are treated prior to surgery.

During diagnosis, we will evaluate what type of jaw bone you have and how much of it is left. After years of living with missing teeth, your jaw bone can sometimes be severely reduced. In this case, we will discuss alternative procedures with you to make dental implant treatment possible.

We might opt to use digital tools to plan your treatment by generating an exact 3D image of your mouth. This will help the dental team immensely during surgery, because it helps them find the best angle and depth for your implant.

dental implants Diagnosis and treatment planning

B- Placing the implant

Implant placement usually is carried out under local anaesthesia and you will hardly feel anything, however if the patient is nervous we are able to offer IV sedation to make the patient less nervous and more comfortable with the procedure. Depending on the individual situation in your mouth, implants are placed in a one or multiple-step procedure.

dental implants Implant Surgery in clean environment

C-Final restoration

After surgery, we usually place a temporary crown, bridge or plate on top of your implant, while the implant integrates with the jaw bone. The integration of implant and bone is called osseointegration. Depending on your individual situation, it can take from a few weeks to a few months. In the meantime, we will work with our bespoke dental laboratory to design and manufacture your final restoration. Your customized crown or bridge or denture is then attached to the implant with a tiny screw or cement.

Sometimes we are able to offer teeth on the same day. This means that we will be able to place a restoration on the day of surgery, so that you can leave with a provisional set of fixed teeth and reduce the number of visits to your dentist.

A number of conditions have to first be fulfilled. Speak to us first to find out if it is possible in your case.

dental implants

How can look after my implants ?

Receiving implant teeth brings back the aesthetics and function you once experienced with your natural teeth. Just as well as natural teeth, implants require regular maintenance care to ensure a healthy tissue environment.

Your toothbrush is the key to a confident and bright dental future. It is just as important to clean the dental implants and removable prosthesis as it is to clean your natural teeth.

When using toothpaste, a small amount of low-abrasive toothpaste used with the brush is recommended.

The dental implants and prosthesis must be thoroughly cleaned daily if they are to be a long-term success. It is therefore a good idea to follow a routine each time you brush your mouth, to ensure that all implants surfaces are cleaned.

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