Service Price
New Patient Examination (18 years+) £80.00
Child Examination (under 18 years) £55.00
Emergency Appointment (including X-rays) £90.00
Service Price
Intra Oral (small) From £80.00
OPG £50.00
CBCT £120.00
Preventative treatments
Service Price
Airflow & Hygienist Session £90.00
Child Hygientist Session £50.00
Full Mouth Disinfection £150.00 per arch
Perio Chip (per chip) £50.00
Fissure Sealants £30 per tooth
Mouth Guards £200.00
Bite Guards £350.00 Michigan/Tanner
Dentures (per arch)
Service Price
Full Upper or Lower Synthetic Denture £1200.00
Partial Synthetic Upper or Lower Denture £1200.0
Full Upper or Lower Chrome Denture £1800.00
Partial Chrome Upper or Lower Denture £1800.00
Valplast Dentures £1850.00
Restorative/ Fillings
Service Price
small £95.00
Medium £120.00
Large £180.00
Small £120.00
Medium £180.00
Large £220.00
Root Canal Treatments
Service Price
Incisor/Canine £480.00
Premolar £550.00
Molar £650.00
Crowns Bridges & Veneers
Service Price
Bonded Metal/Porcelain £650.00
Full Gold Crown (60%) £850.00
Full Porcelain Crown £750.00
EMax Crown £800.00
Gold Inlays/Onlays £650.00
All Ceramic Crown £850.00
Porcelain Inlays/Onlays £650.00
Veneers (per tooth) £600.00
Post/Core Retention £300.00
Bridgework £550.00 per unit
Service Price
Simple Extraction £150.00
Complex Extractions £200.00
Surgical Extraction £250.00
Invisalign Treatment (Depending on severity of case)
Service Price
Consultations Free
Single Arch £2850.00
Double Arch £3850.00
Non-Refundable Deposit (Record Taking) £3850.00
Whitening and cosmetic treatments
Service Price
Home Whitening Kit £355.00
Individual Whitening Syringe £55.00
Prophyjet Stain Removal £50.00
Internal Bleaching (per tooth) £250.00
Skin and Facial rejuvenation treatments
Service Price
Botulinum Treatment (1 Site) £120.00
Botulinum Treatment (2 Sites) £210.00
Botulinum Treatment (3 Sites) £290.00
Botox for Bruxism £350.00
Botox for Underarm Hyperhydrosis £350.00
Dermal Fillers 1ml £350.00
Emergency treatments
Service Price
Consultation £90.00
Emergency Root Canal £650.00
Temporary Filling £75.00
Extraction £150.00
Issue Prescription £25.00
Service Price
Sedation £350.00 per hour
NHS treatment
Band 1 course of treatment £26.80

This covers an examination, diagnosis (including X-rays), advice on how to prevent future problems, a scale and polish if clinically needed, and preventative care such as the application of fluoride varnish or fissure sealant if appropriate.

Band 2 course of treatment £73.50

This covers everything listed in Band 1 above, plus any further treatment such as fillings, root canal work or removal of teeth. It doesn’t include more complex items covered by Band 3.

Band 3 dental treatment £319.10

This covers everything listed in Bands 1 and 2 above, plus crowns, dentures, bridges and other laboratory work.

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