

Specialist Periodontist, Endodontist & Prosthodontist

FDS (Rest. Dent.) RCPS (Glasg), FFD RCSI (Ire), MFDS RCSEng, MFDS RCSEd, PhD, MSc, PGDip, DDS, FHEA.

GDC No. 10341

Shihab is a Consultant in Restorative and Implant Dentistry at Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth and has been since 2015. He is a GDC-UK registered specialist in Restorative dentistry, Prosthodontics, Periodontics and Endodontics.

Shihab worked as a senior clinical lecturer at Kings College London Dental Institute where he completed his registrar training at King’s, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals between 2008 and 2014. He specializes in complex and advanced treatments in Restorative and Implant dentistry including all aspects of oral reconstruction for head and neck cancer, hypodontia and trauma patients.

Following his completion of Masters and PhD degrees in Restorative dentistry at Manchester University Dental Hospital in 2002, Shihab carried out 5 years training in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery within different Hospitals in Essex, South Wales and North West England. He also worked as a clinical fellow in Restorative dentistry, Oral Surgery and IV sedation at Manchester School of Dentistry and Manchester Royal infirmary between 2007-2008.

Shihab is certified by the Minnesota Board of dentistry following the successful completion of the American/Minnesota Dental Board Exams in 2004. He is heavily involved in training dentists and dental care professionals and has lectured extensively both nationally and internationally publishing many papers at international conferences and in peer-reviewed journals.

Shihab joined Hilsea Dental Clinic in 2023. In addition to working with the dental specialist team, he is also happy to share his expertise with local dental practitioners who have patients with complex restorative problems.


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